Deploying to Minikube


Install minikube using the standard Minikube install steps.


minikube config -p kubevirt set memory 18g
minikube config -p kubevirt set disk-size 300g

Additional Windows-specific configuration steps

minikube config -p kubevirt set vm-driver hyperv
minikube config -p kubevirt set hyperv-virtual-switch kubevirt

Note: this assumes a virtual network switch named kubevirt has been created.

Start the instance (on Windows, be sure you are on C: drive, or you will need to delete .minikube from your profile dir and run it again)

minikube profile kubevirt
minikube start

Next steps

Follow the steps for deploying KubeVirt and the GHES VM.


Check if the Minikube VM’s CPU supports virtualization extensions:

minikube ssh -p kubevirt "egrep 'svm|vmx' /proc/cpuinfo"

If an error occurs, you need to enable the debug.useEmulation feature gate (in addition to the data volumes):

kubectl create configmap kubevirt-config -n kubevirt --from-literal debug.useEmulation=true --from-literal feature-gates=DataVolumes

Notes: See ghes-kubevirt/issues 6 for more details on problems with running the GHES VM in emulation mode (i.e. it doesn’t work currently).

Patch an existing config:

``bash kubectl patch configmap kubevirt-config -n kubevirt -p ‘{“data”:{“feature-gates”:”DataVolumes”, “debug.useEmulation”: “true” }}’

Core Minikube commands:

minikube ip
minikube dashboard
minikube delete